Hey, you! Thanks for stopping by. I'm Jaime.

And this is my blog, Noms McGee. I have a profound love for food. I mean, who doesn't?! But, I also believe food nourishes more than just your body, but also the mind and spirit. It is the foundation of who you are and has made you into the strong man or woman you always hoped to be. It is witness to a conversation during a first date, the center of a wedding ceremony, and the conversation sparker between families. Food is more than just a piece meat (figuratively speaking). It is what keeps us healthy and brings joy to our lives on a daily basis. 

I firmly believe in loving your body whole-heartedly. It is precious and should be treated kindly. A powerful figure in my life once handed me an inspirational note that read, "You are unique. You are wonderful. You are important to the world. Thanks for being who you are." From that day forward, I have chosen to live a life that only vibrates good health and happiness. This is what I hope to share with you all of you.

I grew up in Merrick, New York and completed my Bachelor's degree in Nutrition at Long Island University. In July 2014, I moved across the country to Portland, Oregon and am currently a Master's student and dietetic intern at Oregon Health and Science University.

Nom nom nom. 

Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram!


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